Dreamspace at Jerwood Arts Space

At Jerwood Gallery  in London, I installed a new work Dreamspace to allow London audiences a taster of the radio trail I plan to construct for Bedgebury Pinetum.  I have installed a restful Dreamspace at Jerwood gallery as a listening space airing a selection anonymous dreams via speakers inside. This will be used in the forest to record visitors dreams, which are to be relayed by 50 radios one of which is in the space and on a very rainy day is perfect for relaying them too.  Next to the structure I have put a vinyl of Forest Radio Callsigns 1958 alloted by the GPO to the Forests from 1958, these are from an early Foresty Commission Journal which outlines how forest radio was set up at the time and sound like a sound poem when read out.

I will be giving a talk at Jerwood on the 21st of Nov with senior curator Helen Pheby from YSP  and artist Keith Harrison, I will also be running a radio workshop on  The 28th Nov. The show is on from 2nd Nov to 11th Dec.



Photos by : Hydar Dewachi

Photos below of the install Magz Hall

Huge thanks Steve Panton of Alfresco Arch who erected this amazing bespoke listening space, which I am delighted to hear maybe of be used as future housing in post conflict areas. Many thanks to Steve and Frazer Hamilton for erecting it in record time.